The Aquaculture Education and Research Facility (Aqua-ERF) is an aquaculture research center, opened in the summer of 2010 by KaHo Sint-Lieven (now Odisee university college). The aim of this center is to contribute to the development of a sustainable Flemish aquaculture by conducting research, educating students and guiding (future) aquaculturists in their projects.
Considering some economical and practical limitations of traditional pond aquaculture, this culture method doesn't seem feasible in Flanders. Therefore, Aqua-ERF's research focuses on the use of recirculating aquaculture systems or RAS. These closed systems allow us to reduce water and energy consumption and thus contribute to a sustainable aquaculture.
Our research mainly focuses on biotechnical and feeding trials, yet always keeping their applicability in commercial aquaculture into consideration. Special attention will be given during feeding trails to the sustainability factor, looking for alternatives or the reduction of fish meal in the diets.
As a result of the association between Flanders' largest and oldest university, the Catholic University of Leuven, and Odisee, our research can also count on the cooperation with academics and the access to their facilities.
Aqua-ERF is intensively used as formation facilities for Odisee students, who can fulfill their practical training or final project. Also students from other institutes or universities, national or international, have the possibility to join ongoing research or training at Aqua-ERF.
If you wish to have more information, please contact us.